Wednesday, June 14, 2006

There will ne'er be another like it

M'Lynn and I talk about this from time to time and I just felt the urge to post...
Unsolved Mysteries (NBC 1987-2002) was one of the best shows ever. I'm so happy that Lifetime plays reruns. I need to start DVR'ing that shit. When I was younger, I'd watch it on prime time and have the remote control in my hand ready to change the channel just in case it got too scary. Seriously, this show was CREEEEPY jumpoff. I mean Robert Stack's voice and that weird theme music - - oh my god, totes frightfest. I loved the way they would introduce segments... I'd get so excited when it was "Wanted" or "The Unexplained." I hated the "Lost Loves" ones though - too boring.
The best part of that show was when they would finish a segment and then the big red letters saying "UPDATE" would flash on the screen with that upbeat music. Nothing like it.


Blogger Clairee said...

Hellz yeah! I used to watch this when I was home alone and completely freak out.

8:32 PM, June 14, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

loves it

9:31 PM, June 14, 2006

Blogger M'Lynn said...

Hear, hear Shelby!! This was one of my Wednesday night treats to myself. And I, like you, most certainly kept the remote control in my hand because any time they started talking about hauntings, I usually started to lose my ish.

Two other things:

The "live" escape from Alcatraz episode that they aired on Feb. 8, 1989 remains, in my mind, one of the creeeeeepiest hours of TV ever aired.

I never, ever, EEEEVER even DARED to think about watching this show when I was home alone. Even if it was a rerun that was airing during the daylight hours.

12:07 PM, June 15, 2006

Blogger Ouizer said...

I think Truvy should remix that theme music into a circuit anthem featuring vocals by Amuka. Dark, spooky tribal house. Yeeeeeaaaaah!

My favorite Unsolved Mysteries jump was the one about Georgia Tann, who paid for stolen babies on the black market and sold them at her orphanage in the 40s. EEEEEVIL.

5:10 PM, June 15, 2006


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