Sunday, June 04, 2006

Think Pink!

Oh dear. These pictures of Teri Hatcher (with Cuba Gooding, Jr?!) at the Laureus World Sports Awards (?!) really need no further introduction...

Here is a link to some more if you can stomach it.


Blogger M'Lynn said...

Um, God bless you, Clairee, for making my Monday morning so much more enjoyable. I saw one pic of her in that LA HEIN outfit in the most recent issue of US Weekly (the one with the big Brangelina article that I quickly skipped) and my heart went pitter-patter. MORE, TERI, MORE!

As Shelby asked me the other day, 'Who ever would have thought that SHE would be providing us so much entertainment thirteen years after that Superman blow?'

Who, indeed?!

9:57 AM, June 05, 2006


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