Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is the day of the show y'all. *

At approximately 3:00 p.m. today I got my li'l debbie hands on my very own copy of the new Danity Kane (or, as Truvy says, "Danity HEIN") album. YES. Some of you know I've had a pretty traumatic week so this album dropping was seriously the light at the end of my tunnel (right next to coming home to Shelby's Gal). As soon as I paid my $10.85 to the pimply faced 18-year-old working at Virgin Megastore I gave a peace sign and proceeded to run/walk home trying to contain my squeals.

I popped it in to behbeh boombox (the ONLY way to listen to any new craptastic pop music) and gave it a quick once over. I went through all of the songs to try and find the Scott Storch "Sleep on It" track and soon became greatly distressed when I couldn't find it. Seriously, my heart started racing and I had to wipe the sweat from my brow. Just as I was getting ready to BLOW OUT I saw that it was a "hidden track" at the end of the CD. Phew! That was a close one. Seriously, that Scott Storch track is freakin' awesome. Do you all remember the episode where S.S. gave a "baby clap" while drinking his Yoo Hoo after listening to the completed track in the studio? Classic. In fact, it was so good, I dubbed S.S.my official "Anus of the Summer." He is so hideous. Give me more! Oh... and I LOVED listening to Dawn's "Ooohh, I ain't tryin' to be ruuude" line. Can't you just imagine Pooh Bear giving her a "thumbs up" behind the glass?

The album has so many gems. You've got your "One Shot" aka the theme song. You've also got your "Ride for You" where my girl Aundrea is all "Lately, I've been trying to fight whatever's pulling us under..." The only thing that made me sad was to see that Drea thanked Rudy in the liner notes. BOOOO!

I cannot wait to learn this entire album from front to back. We will most def be listening to this in the mini van on the way to the Cabinet-sponsored trip to "The Adventures of Mimi" this weekend.

Oh, and I have to give a shout out to one of my BFF's Floben (her last name and mine put together... an old inside joke). I got to see Floben when I was in L.A. last week and we caught up on everything Danity Kane as she is a superfan as well. She'd most def be an honorary Cabinet member if she were in NYC (get a rope). We talked about how slutty Aubrey is, how lovable Pooh Bear is and how obnoxious Laurie Ann the choreographer is. Freakin' AWESOME.

This album is fine holiday fun. If you consider the gross, humid last days of August a holiday.

*A line from "Waiting for Guffman," ie. the Greatest Movie of All Time.


Blogger M'Lynn said...

This is all very worrisome, Shelby.

8:51 AM, August 23, 2006

Blogger Truvy said...

Welcome back to da city, Shelby. I'm so glad that you finally got your grubby lil hands on the new D.Hein album. I, on the other hand, am still D.Hein-less. I strolled into Best Buy yesterday after work and couldn't find a copy in sight. Not even a promotional poster. I felt so distressed. Did I have the wrong date? Feeling the onset of gay-panic, I hunted down an employee and inquired about the missing ladies of Danity.
"Sold out!" was the answer I got.
My eyes bugged a little and I exclaimed, "I didn't think ANYONE would buy that!"
"Neither did WE!" homegirl shot back, "that's why we didn't order enough."
This all goes to show, if you're on TV long enough, you can sell anything.
Viva la Danity Hein.

11:06 AM, August 23, 2006

Blogger Ouizer said...

While I personally cannot endorse Danity Hein, I totes enjoy watching Shelby freak out about them. Maybe their CD case will replace La Blowhan as a certain CD of choice...? : )

11:11 AM, August 23, 2006

Blogger Shelby said...

Ha! Hmmm... Maybe one day the D. Hein Cd will replace Lohan's. I think we should make the switch when Lohan passes out again from "heat exhaustion" which could happen any day now.

12:05 PM, August 23, 2006

Blogger Clairee said...

LOL...totes...I think we should draft a formal proposal for the cabinet to introduce the D. Hein cd into the rotation.

1:49 PM, August 23, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Floben/Shelby!!! Thanks for the awesome post on our favorite band! I bought the CD on itunes last night and have not stopped listening to our favorite SS song Sleep On It ... Long live Danity Kane and may Taquita and Dominique come out with their solo cds soon! Ride 4 U (which is totally how it should be spelled) is a distant second favorite song ... Sleep On It ... which I sing at the top of my lungs and all of suddenly, my right index finger automatically goes into crazy pointing up and down as I can almost hear as Pooh Bear says "more staccato"!

4:38 PM, August 23, 2006


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