Friday, December 30, 2005

Celebrity Sideshow: Shannon Dougherty's Left Eye

Ya da dunna dunna du du dunna...STEP RIGHT UP, FOLKS!

This is old news, but Shannon Dougherty's crazy left eye has always scared the shit out of me. Literally, I have nightmares about that eye. Why is it literally an inch higher than her other one? And why hasn't she addressed this in some way? Do you think she doesn't know? I mean, I have my own imperfections such as horrible eye bags that I've had since age 8 but shit, I'm not an actor with my mug plastered in front of millions of people. Come on, now... Anyway, I have never, ever, ever been able to pay attention to her in a scene because I just stare down that eye. It haunts me. Unfortunately, everyone I've told this to now has the same problem. Sorry, folks!


Blogger Truvy said...

omg, you know what freaks me out? Different colored eyes; one brown, one blue.
Kate Bosworth is almost impossible to look at directly.
Elizabeth Berkley's another one. (though it does make Nomi look more crazy, so I forgive her.)

12:31 AM, December 31, 2005

Blogger Robert said...

don't forget david bowie's crazy mismatched eyes. but it's because he was like stabbed in one of them, so it's cool anyway.

10:30 AM, January 03, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I never noticed that until now. Freaky!

4:32 PM, January 03, 2006

Blogger Amanda said...

i wish i could unearth my decade-old issue of "seventeen" or "ym" that featured a bio piece on shannen, in which she says that she feels her freaky eye (and yes, i am paraphrasing from 10-year-old memories) "[sets her apart and makes her special.]" she used her deformity to inspire all teenage girls with asymmetry issues to achieve, as she had, beyond what talent and ability normally dictate.

and really... what could she do about it? her skull probably has mismatched eye sockets.

10:13 PM, January 03, 2006


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