Thursday, May 11, 2006

I've officially hit rock bottom

I know that I've truly hit rock bottom with my pop obsession because I recently legally downloaded two tracks from Ricky Martin's newest cd - "It's Alright" and "Drop it on Me". What's worse, I've been secretly boppin' along to them ever since on my ipod. Here - check out the video for "It's Alright" on YouTube. What is WRONG with me? This is quite obviously shit, and yet I'm devouring it like La Whitney to crack-sprinkled Skittles. Clearly I need professional help.

Sadly, these Ricky Martin tracks are not even the most embarassing ones in my ipod - not by a long stretch. That dubious honor might go to my selections from "Once on this Island", multiple Gavin DeGraw tracks, or (ahem, shift uncomfortably) a Rascal Flatts song.

We all have them. You know...those songs that you secrectly love but would be completely mortified if anyone knew you actually listened to them. These are the songs during which you turn the volume down to 5 on public transport just in case, god forbid, someone smirks hearing you listen to Carrie Underwood's "Some Hearts". Because I mean, YOU'D make fun of you, right?

So I've done it. Now you confess!


Blogger Shelby said...

I rock out to Dream. "Grass is greener on the OTHER SIIIIIDE..."

10:02 PM, May 11, 2006

Blogger Robert said...


Cher: "The Very Best of Cher"
Gwen Stefani: "Hollaback Girl"
Paula Cole: "This Fire."

you get the idea.

10:42 AM, May 12, 2006

Blogger Truvy said...

I listened to Celine Dion "I Drove All Night" (Hex Hector mix) a few times this morning.
It always struck me as funny to hear her sing that song. Can you imagine Celine Dion creeping into your bedroom at night "to make looooove to you"?

10:55 AM, May 12, 2006

Blogger M'Lynn said...

NICE post, very nice.

Paula Abdul: 'Will You Marry Me?'
AC/DC: 'Thunderstruck'
Captain and Tennille: 'Love Will Keep Us Together'

11:07 AM, May 12, 2006

Blogger M'Lynn said...

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11:07 AM, May 12, 2006

Blogger Ouizer said...

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11:37 AM, May 12, 2006

Blogger Ouizer said...

Y'all know me, I don't get embarrassed by my eccentric tastes in music. However, for the judgmental, a strange splattering of my recent listening tastes:

* Keith Urban, "Tonight I Wanna Cry" (gets me worked up thinking about Ace on AI...yeeeeeeeaaaah!)
* Ghosttown DJ's, "My Boo" (makes me think of Truvy)
* Inoj, "Time After Time" (about as low rent as you can get!)
* Shania Twainus, "I'm Gonna Getcha Good!" (needed for morning work walk so I can pretend I am in my futuristic space ship instead of pounding the pavement, and also because I can't actually bring myself to listening to "Waiter! Bring Me Water!")
* Madonna "American Life" Interview from Miami 2003 where she says my favorite..."Television is trash!"
* Mimi "Emancipation" Interview from Australia 2005 where she talks about the People's Court and how, like, it was a show she watched when she was little
and that AWESOME Sheryl Lee Ralph track "In The Evening" that horrified everyone at the BLOW! Awards 2006.

11:39 AM, May 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh god where do I begin on this!
I have Britney Spears singing for that Pepsi commericial back in 2001, that's pretty freakin aweful. Ouizer Knows how I love cheesy music! I love all Mariah music, hmm...Whitesnake-"Here I go Again", and Def Leppard music! Oh I know!!!Europe-"Final Countdown", so Bad you can't help but like that shit!

10:47 AM, May 15, 2006


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