Monday, May 08, 2006

I'm not trying to hate but...

I really wanted to write a positive post but I just saw a picture of Mariska Hargitay and that all went out the door. This woman annoys me. No real reason, she just does. Maybe it's because she's on Law and Order (SVU, Criminal Intent, Crime Scene of Victim's Intent... whatever they are called). I am so anti any Law and Order show. This upsets my girlfriend as she could watch any of these shows at any hour of the day. Unfortunately, for me, these shows are literally on every hour of the day. Anyway, Mariska annoys me. She thinks just because she's on a show that's been on the air for 50 years and the fact that she's Jayne Mansfield's (poor man's Marilyn) daughter, she's a huge A-lister. And is it just me or has this woman been pregnant for, like, 2 years? Pop it out already! I can hardly wait to see the pictures in People magazine (blegh).


Blogger M'Lynn said...

YES!! Oh, Shelby, you took the words right out of my mouth. Remember when Allison Janney won that Emmy and she told all of the other nominees to come up onstage? One guess who the ONLY ONE who went up there was...Mmmmhmmm.

And I have watched precisely one hour of 'Law & Order' in my life and it was more than enough. I don't get it.

11:22 PM, May 08, 2006

Blogger Shelby said...

I KNEW you were going to bring up the Emmy story. Awesome!

11:29 PM, May 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:19 PM, May 09, 2006

Blogger Truvy said...

I use Law & Order as a sleeping aid. Works everytime!

1:17 AM, May 11, 2006


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