Thursday, May 18, 2006



I'm almost convinced that Heinous Hair took these pictures just to make Britney feel bad about herself (though I actually love the hair this time).

and don't even talk about the mimi/xtina feud. My two favorite divas doing what they do best, haterating.

Welcome back Christina!


Blogger Shelby said...

This is the cuntiest story I've heard in a while and I LOVE it. Mimi had a great comeback - - I love the fact that Xtina is in Mimi's prayers. Classic.

6:41 PM, May 18, 2006

Blogger Clairee said...

Don't even talk about it...welcome back, Heinous Hair! Of course, starting a beef with Mims is highly questionable. While Brit-brit is an easy target with zero wit, Mimi will chew her up and spit her OUT.

9:10 AM, May 19, 2006


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