Tuesday, April 25, 2006

BLOW! Award Nominee: Antoinette Millard

Sorry kids, I've been slacking... I've been meaning to post about this blow for awhile. Personally, my favorite part of the story is her defense - that she suffered a breakdown after 9/11. Uh-huh. Say, I have a game - let's brainstorm all the crazy shit we'd like to do if we didn't think we'd be held accountable. Who wants to dress up like Dolly Parton and knock over a 7-11? How many people want to steal a rental car, drive to Mexico, and go on a six-day pharmaceutical bender? Why CAN'T you kidnap Paris Hilton and feed her to your pet lion???


Blogger Robert said...

you're right--i can and i WILL!

oh wait i lived in indiana during 9/11.

10:18 AM, April 26, 2006


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