Thursday, March 09, 2006

DeGarmo in da heezee! WHAT!

Yo, check it.
Diana Degarmo, DJ NV, and Top Model winner Naima, represent for the ROC at the ElleGirl/Rocawear party here in NYC.
Since Spitfire is now on Broadway (playing Penny Pinkerton in "Hairspray"), I hope she takes advantage and starts raging at da clubs. Who knows, maybe she'll grow up a little, pull an Xtina, and blossom into a pop-slut. Hey, maybe she could even make a decent album with a nice trashy video.
Could be fun to party!


Blogger M'Lynn said...

LOL--loving your last line, Truvy. Good one. ;)

8:43 PM, March 09, 2006

Blogger Clairee said...

Totes! It is amazing how strong of a presence spitfire has on our blog. Lovesit!

9:50 PM, March 09, 2006

Blogger M'Lynn said...

BTW, what is UP with Naima's way-too-relaxed (and I use that term loosely) hurrdid?

3:19 PM, March 10, 2006


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