Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Clairee's Live Idol Blog

8:00 - Mmmm...the Cathy Dennis theme song is like crack-cocaine to me, but where did the standard "ooh-woh-ooh-woh-ooh" section go? Are they saving that for the finals?

8:01 - Seacrest seems to be going for the "casual" look with his tie, but somehow I'm guessing he still stood in front of the mirror for 15 minutes adjusting it.

8:02 - Ryan introduces the girls, and once again, I realize I had forgotten that Melissa McGhee exists.

- Wow, Paris is singing played-out Gloria Estefan. If you're going to sing Estefan on Idol, sing the less obvious-girl choice "Coming Out of the Dark", okay? And what is this jeans-under-the-skirt business? Uh-uh. Except for the random stupid 'ography, color me unimpressed. You get one more free pass, and then that's it gurl.

- I officially deem Lisa Tucker this year's fembot. Interesting...the judges slammed her song choice, but I actually kinda liked it. It took me forever to place it, but I just realized it was featured in the movie "Camp", right? Sung by that girl who had her jaw wired shut?

- Not surprisingly, Melissa likes cars and sounds like she just polished off a pack of Newports when she speaks. Classy. Props on the song choice, though. I dunno, something about Heart just seems to translate well to the cheeseball Idol stage.

- Melissa tells Ryan she just wanted to "let it rip" and "leave it on the stage"? Naxty!

- Katherine McPhee is apparently NOT pregnant and leaving the show. Thanks for clearing that up, Ryan.

8:25 - Kinnik Sky unsuccessfully attempts to act "funny ghetto" during her intro while talking about chitlins, then comes out in a busted cowpoke outfit and proceeds to butcher an Alicia Keys song. Hope you have a nice life, Kinnik...and enjoy those pig intestines!

- Yes! Ms. Piggy's Cheesy Bites commercial!

- Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah, Katherine McPhee is singing Re-Re Franklin! And I just noticed that "McFever" has a nice rack. Welcome back, gurl!

- Ladies and gentlement, Mandisa is coming up.

- Ayla tells an extremely bizarre story about her daddy and Elvis. Let's just pretend that never happened and move on.

- Hmmm... I'm happy Gulliver's Travels Brown is singing Natasha B, but I'm less happy that she's butchering it while wearing cargo capris and clogs. Also not so sure about her attempted Mary J. Blige squats....leave that one to the queen, gurl.

- I've decided that Mandisa could sing "Jesus Take the Wheel" if she wanted to, and I would still love her.

- She just blew her tits off!

- Melissa is so angry/jealous, she looks like she's plotting giving Mandisa a happy face throat-cut later tonight.

- Pickler's cutesy act is wearing thin, pronto. Although I have to admit she sounds pretty decent, and I'd certainly take her any day over Carrie Underwood.

- I just noticed that Kellie looks a bit like Jewel's younger, anorexic cousin.

- Pickler didn't really just pronounce salmon "sallamin", did she? I mean, she can't expect us to believe she is THIS clueless?

- And another Idol comes to a close. My picks, in this order: Mandisa, Katherine, Lisa.


Blogger Truvy said...

nice work, Clairee. You made me laugh out loud at work just now, everyone is looking at me.

No doubt, Mandisa is the Queen!! She's probably the only girl who actually has "it".

I feel sorry for Kinnik Sky. I was rooting for her, but she can't seem to find her groove. I think the pressure is getting to her. Shake it off, gurl!

I SO over Kellie Pickler. I don't think she sings very well, and the whole dumb girl act is only funny for a minute.

2:14 PM, March 08, 2006

Blogger M'Lynn said...

Gulliver's Travels Brown looked like she was trying to push out a doodie when she was squatting.

And I LOATHED Kellie Pickler. What an idiot!! Sallamin jump.

I felt sorry for Kinnik, too. I'm obsessed with her lip situation.

9:06 PM, March 08, 2006


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