Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hair stylist vs. Balenciaga bag

I have no business posting because I'm under 25 deadlines at work right now, however...
What's up with everybody using their gay male hair stylist as their new BFF/favorite accessory/therapist? Jennifer Aniston was the first with Chris McMillan. Jessica has been everywhere with Ken Paves post divorce. And I just saw a picture of my girl Denise Richards (i luv'er) with her hair stylist. Don't know his name yet but I'm sure I will soon. My sylist is a woman and I think I need to change that. I need to get a man and start hanging out with him stat. This trend might be over soon! I could totally take him to the Roxy and then coat check him when I get bored.


Blogger Robert said...

my gay hairstylist is from "dundalk" (google it) in baltimore. not so much red-carpet material. but i know all about his heroin-addict aunt.

3:58 PM, January 11, 2006

Blogger M'Lynn said...

Don't forget about Seacrest Out and his gay bear of a stylist, Dean!!

4:58 PM, January 11, 2006


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