Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Worstest Movie I Saw This Year

Hey kids! Time for a fun game that I like to call The Worstest Movie I Saw This Year. Surely, we've all been to (or rented) at least one total turkey in the past 342 days, and this is your opportunity to call it out. My heart is telling me to vote for the absolutely unmoving, totally BORING Nicole Kidman/Sean Penn "thriller" (and I use that term very, very loosely) 'The Interpreter' (Ouizer is with me on this one—it's a snooze), but my head is telling me to really go for the gusto and call out 'The Wedding Date.' You don't remember 'The Wedding Date'? Yeah, well, why would you? It came out in January, for starters. M'Boyfriend and I watched this one hungover Sunday afternoon with the aid of a lil' ====~~, thinking that it might actually be funny because it starred Debra Messing and the AWESOME Holland Taylor as her mother. (Can I get a shout-out for Holland? Anybody?

Well, it BLEW!, and if you look at the picture posted above, you'll see that even Debra Messing couldn't conjure up a funny face for the press photos. It didn't fail brilliantly on the level of the Ashley Judd classic 'Twisted'—really, nothing ever will—but it was unfunny, oddly paced, and totally pointless. Debra Messing hires a male 'escort' (played by Dermot Mulroney, who's done all this before) in an effort to placate her family, because otherwise she'd (God forbid) attend her snooty sister's wedding alone. Yeah, because that's just the WORSTEST THING EVER. Here's news for you: Attending a wedding solo ain't the worstest thing you could have done in 2005. That honor belongs to the practice of watching this wretched movie.


Blogger Shelby said...

Ooh, ooh! My vote is for "Monster-in-Law."

3:14 PM, December 13, 2005

Blogger Robert said...

my vote goes to "beverly kills," an absolutely wretched queer flick i saw at the NC gay and lesbian film fest. and then the director hit on me at the gay bar.

3:21 PM, December 13, 2005

Blogger jolie said...

Mr. & Mrs. Smith. On a plane. With Moroccan food poisoning. And a lead pipe.

6:22 PM, December 13, 2005

Blogger Clairee said...

Hmmm, when did Phantom of the Opera come out? I think that might have technically been last year but that gets my vote...

10:18 PM, December 13, 2005

Blogger Truvy said...

Hands down, "Alone in the Dark" starring Tara Reid and Christian Slater.

I win!

6:37 PM, December 14, 2005

Blogger Ouizer said...

Oooh yeah Alone In The Dark was BAD. I agree with Truvy. Even if I do love me some Tara Reid.

3:17 PM, December 16, 2005


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