Saturday, November 19, 2005

I'm not mad at you, Apple, I'm mad at the dirt!!!

As if we needed ANOTHER reason to hate and mock sourpuss Gwyneth Paltrow, but lo and behold, she delivers again! Is Gwyneth Paltrow germaphobic? Rumor has it that she was already germ-obsessed prior to the birth of her demon-spawn Apple, but now that she has the baby to freak out about as well, she demands guests use anti-bacterial soap before touching the baby. Smart idea, Gwynnie. Because it's not like the human body ever comes in contact with germs. And since your baby's immune system will never learn how to deal with them, next thing you know you're taking Apple for a stroll and it's demonhead explodes. Blah! She sucks!


Blogger M'Lynn said...

Eh...I have to admit that I recently saw a print ad with Gwynie, and she looked quite fetching. That said, bleh. No need, no need! Give me her mama any day.

4:57 PM, November 19, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The women is evil incarnate. Verdict...perfs...perfs awful.

3:32 PM, November 20, 2005

Blogger Ouizer said...

I LOVE Gwyny. She (and Grandpa Buster and Mrs. Gwyny Blythe Danner) is fantastic. Watch out Clairee, before a house falls on you, too!

: )

5:25 PM, November 21, 2005


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