Thursday, November 17, 2005

BlowingOutTheCharts@ MoveOverPussycatBitches

There's no such thing as too many posts about Madonna, so I'll share the good news that in its fourth week on the Hot 100 charts, her lead single 'Hung Up' has rebounded and is at No. 14 this week. Ouizer and I have been very concerned about its recent drop on the charts--it entered at No. 20 and promptly FELL thanks to stupid songs by 18,000 rappers collaborating--but it's back this week.

Incidentally, I watched a clip from AM Pop this morning on my computer re: the release of Confessions, and it only justified my massive loathing of that horrid Soledad O'Brien. She had the gall to call Madonna's last album 'deadly,' 'bad,' and 'a waste of 15 dollars.' Yeah, Soledad, I'd like to see your saggy ass get into a pair of leotards and turn it out...and not only that, but you keep your unwanted and unnecessary opinions to yourself! Nobody wants to hear it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soledad is much prettier than Madonna, and since she recently ran a marathon (see RUNNER's WORLD), I would guess she is in as good or much shape than Madonna. As for unwanted opinions....? It's 90-second chat about news in show biz, don't you think opinions are not only expected, they're what she's being paid to express.
- Dr Hermes

5:48 PM, November 18, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soledad is much prettier than Madonna, and since she recently ran a marathon (see RUNNER's WORLD), I would guess she is in as good or much better shape than Madonna. As for unwanted opinions....? It's a 90-second chat about news in show biz, don't you think opinions are not only expected, they're what she's being paid to express?
- Dr Hermes

5:50 PM, November 18, 2005

Blogger M'Lynn said...

In all honesty, I find Soledad to be a bit brittle and also a bit of an airhead. I'm not going to argue the 'prettier than' comment because we all see beauty in different people. But I will say that for 47, Madonna looks quite hot. We should all be so lucky at that age.

11:37 PM, November 18, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true, "beauty" is subjective. Tastes differ and there are no absolutes, just personal preferences.

Soledad did attend Harvard, suggesting she is not entirely vacant upstairs. I find her interesting as an example of diversity in the media. Her father was an Australian of Irish background and her mother a Black Cuban, so they stood up to a lot of prejudice just to date, let alone get married in the late 50s and raise a family. Soledad gives lectures at universities and wins awards from Black, Irish, Hispanic and women's groups... which is fairly amusing in itself. I also like the way she has recently been giving henchmen of this administration some tough, aggressive interviews.

She may not like Madonna's music, but that doesn't make her a bad person.
- Dr Hermes

3:59 AM, November 19, 2005

Blogger Ouizer said...


Shut the EFF up. I attended an Ivy and graduated in the top 10% of my class, so if that's your qualification for an expert opinion then I am eligible for a rebuttal. Get the EFF off our board if you have a different opinion about my gurl - or I will hunt you down and have you hunted down and killed.

: )


4:36 PM, November 19, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as "an expert opinion" regarding personal tastes.. it's all subjective. I mentioned Soledad going to Harvard to point out she is not a complete airhead as you said.

It's too bad you can't handle anyone having an opinion different than your own. This must make conversation with you difficult.

6:51 PM, November 19, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't George W. Bush go to Yale? Merely attending an Ivy doesn't gaurantee an advanced, or even any, intellect.

Soledad does nothing for me either; I find her hairline bothersome. But ultimately, I am suspicious that Soledad is sufficiently qualified to comment on the merits of American Life. To call it "deadly," "bad," and "a waste of 15 dollars" sounds more like a retread of some bitter Rolling Stone critic who lost track of Madge when she made that turn down Erotica Lane, rather than her own personal opinion.

American Life, while not my favorite Madonna album (that will always be Erotica), was thoroughly misunderstood and underrated (see also, I'm Breathless). American Life probably would have done better with a different producer, but it was still not in any way "deadly." It clearly didn't kill Madonna's career, or anyone else for that matter, so shut up Soledad, not for talking bad about Madonna but for expressing an opinion that I doubt is her own.

5:19 PM, November 20, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, that's an interesting way of looking at it (I'm not being sarcastic). How much (if any) of what Soledad said was her own genuine opinion and how much was what she thought her bosses at CNN and the demographic they're trying to reach wanted to hear?

I suppose you can be dubious about the opinions of any critic who is being paid. Whether it's the editor, the advertisers or the critic's peers, you never know how much is being said for reasons other than genuine feelings. Good point.

6:20 PM, November 20, 2005


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