Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ay, Dios mio!

Okay, so: The Mexicans are all like, 'Hey, we work under slave-like conditions to provide you with running water, plump vegetables, and clean mansions,' and the Americans are all, 'Yeah, but we're Amurricans and we're, like, hardcore and shit and you can't just come on over here and burden us and have little Mexican children and clog up our already shitty school systems, y'hear?' So the politicians are all, 'Hup-hup, hup-hup, let's go on Meet the Press and yammer on about how there's an 'alien invasion' in our country and if it's not stopped, it'll be like terrorists taking over our land.' [Really, gentlemen! Get a grip...] But more than that, the politicians and wonks with bad hair are all like, 'Hey, and why are you people waving Mexican flags if you want to live here so badly?'

To which I say: Shut the FUCK up! Excuse me, sirs, but just under a month ago, I walked through a Manhattan that was festooned with Irish flags in honor of National Let's Get Drunk on Green Beer Day. I walk through the neighborhoods of Chelsea, West Hollywood, Dupont Circle, and South Beach, and I see rainbow flags for my gurls. I stroll through Little Italy and hear the sounds of Italian music blaring from overpriced restaurants offering gnocchi specials. So how is it any different that people who were born in Mexico but have chosen to come here for a better life--or even more, their children who were, like it or not, born here--wave the flag of their home country when they protest for their rights as citizens of the world?

Please answer this question without sounding like publicity-driven assholes, and I'll start listening.

Thank youuuuu!!


Blogger jolie said...

well said, m'lynn!

7:47 PM, April 09, 2006

Blogger Clairee said...


9:49 PM, April 09, 2006

Blogger Shelby said...

Yeeeeeah.. political jumpoff. Thanks for the props to the Mexicanos. They are a good people and certainly don't deserve to be blamed for this country's problems.

11:22 AM, April 10, 2006


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