Friday, November 04, 2005

Got E.V.O.O.?

Okay, so for my first blog posting I'd like to call attention to one of the biggest talents to grace our t.v. screens today. Yep, it's our favorite blowout, Rachael Ray. Now, I have to toot my own horn and say that I began loving this girl when 30-minute meals first premiered on Food Network. I tried building a base and growing her core constituency for a long time and it satisfies me so much to see Rachael getting, like, 20 new t.v. deals a day. I mean, she was annointed by suburban deity Oprah - c'mon. Now, let's just hope she doesn't burn out. But, hey, if Kelly Ripa can do it, so can Rachael Ray. (side note: I've been waiting for Kelly to crack for some time now - I'm surprised that little thing can keep up with 12 kids and 25 t.v. shows. Well played, Ripa, well played...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen the episode where she cries about her dog??? Classic...


3:43 PM, November 04, 2005


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