Monday, October 09, 2006

Foley's Follies

I wanted to post one more article from this week's Time about the fallout from Mark Foley's IM/page scandal. This one's from writer John Cloud, and it makes some really interesting (and, to be honest, heartbreaking) points about Foley's self-destruction, much of it largely at the hands of his own refusal to just come out of the damn closet already. I'm glad Cloud took the time to explain to a mass audience how damaging Foley's self-denial ended up being--not only to others, but also to himself.

(By the by, if you can't already tell, I'm totally fired up about the elections, and they're still a month away! It's not for nothing that "election years" are listed as one of my Friendster interests; I can't get enough. Election night is like party time for me.)


Blogger jolie said...


(maybe we should have an election night viewing party?!)

9:03 AM, October 10, 2006

Blogger Shelby said...

Don't even talk about it. I get wet just thinking about Chris Matthews and Tim Russert doing election night coverage on MSNBC.

4:01 PM, October 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Shelby.

11:26 AM, October 11, 2006


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