Click here to get JHud's leaked version of "And I am Telling You I'm Not Going" from Dreamgirls. Be warned, because homegurl blows her TITS off. I'm seriously freaking the fuck out right now I'm so 'lil debbie for this movie.
It's really important for our readers to understand that the Cabinet is not a bunch of Johnnies-come-lately on the J. Hud front. We were behind this talented young thing since the START, people! It's nice to know that our impeccable taste will soon be shared by the masses.
Vocal Gymnastics.
8:59 PM, October 06, 2006
It's really important for our readers to understand that the Cabinet is not a bunch of Johnnies-come-lately on the J. Hud front. We were behind this talented young thing since the START, people! It's nice to know that our impeccable taste will soon be shared by the masses.
3:16 PM, October 07, 2006
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