Monday, September 04, 2006

I'm ugly. My jaw hurts.

I know this video hit the web eons ago,
but I'm posting it because:
a.) I'll NEEEVER tire of watching it, and
b.) everytime I quote Britney's "HUH?! WHAT?!",
Ouizer complains ,"I haven't seen that video yet."
So here you go Ouizer, now you can join in on the fun.

Britney Spears Stoned (or rolling, maybe)

When you're done laughing at poor Britty Peers,
take a look at this parady, "My Dinner with Britney Spears".
Most ingenius.


Blogger BB said...

Again, I think your impression of it is way funnier than the actual thing. Oh, and can I request a Mommie Dearest clip?

2:26 PM, September 08, 2006


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