we in the carrr... we ride slowww...
This is for Shelby
(okay, I love it too. I immediantly gave it an instant replay after my initial viewing, and yes, I'm all lil' debbie for the new album as well. I'm not ashamed, dammit!).
Danity Kane - Show Stopper
What in the world?! I don't really know where to begin with this. Um, did the one girl mention a 'black titty' or am I hearing things? And did I also hear a shout-out to 'my jiggas'??
10:33 PM, August 07, 2006
Ha! I totally thought she said black titty but she says "black tinted," I think...
I am about to watch them on TRL on the ol' DVR. Shelby's Gal works at MTV and got to see DK today up close and in the flesh. I was FREAKING out. I wanted her to get me some autographs or at least tell Aundrea that she's my favorite but she'd probably get fired for that... Oh, but she did say that D. Woods checked out the CD's that were on her desk...!
10:39 PM, August 07, 2006
It's ALLS about Aundrea, peeps! Did you see the little black number she wore on TRL yesterday? Completely outrageous. Oh...and I also LOVE to hate Aubrey...she's a total attention grubbing asshole and ILUVIT.
9:06 AM, August 08, 2006
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