Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Not so much a has-been, but more like a never-was

I have always felt white-hot rage towards Nelly Furtado, so obviously I find this huge comeback of hers particularly distressing.

After "Folklore" was purchased by two people in 2003, neither of which were her parents, I was finally able to sleep at night. She was out for the count. I assumed she'd spend the rest of her days smacking tambourines and blowing on a pan flute on a bleak multicultural hippie commune somewhere in Canada.

Instead, I have to put up with THIS? There truly is no god.


Blogger Robert said...

thank god someone hates her as much as i do.

11:22 AM, July 12, 2006

Blogger Ouizer said...

Annelle, I don't think you should compare her to La Lopez or Beasty Carey. This is more on the level of Jewel following her INTUUUITTTION. BLEAKOSITY! Didn't she sing "I'm like a bird, I only fly away"? IF ONLY!

11:44 AM, July 12, 2006

Blogger M'Lynn said...

I've never liked her, either, but I do enjoy me some 'Promiscuous.' But I'm more than happy to go back to disliking her if it means inter-Cabinet peace.

6:38 PM, July 12, 2006


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