Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hasselhoff pulls a Blowhan

It seems that David Hasselhoff recently had a "shaving accident" and consequently had to have surgery(?) to repair a severed tendon in his arm(?).

Very well, then. I just have one minor question for you, David... WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TRYING TO DO? As a gay boy who is of German heritage, I require frequent body hair removal, sometimes involving acts of severe contortion. I also must shave my face on a daily basis, lest I get confused for a lumberjack at work. And yet, I can't say I have ever been in danger of maiming or dismembering myself at the hand of my Mach3 Power...and that's a motherfuckin' RAZOR that VIBRATES.

This Hasselhoff shaky-coke-hand-shaving incident kinda reminds me of the equally questionable Blowhan shower/teacup accident at Bryan Adams' house back in January. Celebrities - get it together!


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