Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Madonna vs Mariah

"Hey old lady, why are you being so BLEAK!?!"

"I'll smash your face in, you drunken slut!"

I can't tell you how much I enjoy a good old fashioned catfight, and this rivalry between Her Madgesty and Queen Lamb has been going on since 1995.

Apparently, Madonna dissed Mariah in a Spin Magazine interview (something to the extent of "if I were Mariah, I'd kill myself"). When questioned about it at a press conference, Mariah shot back, "I haven't paid attention to Madonna since 7th grade, back when she was popular". (video)

They had some well publicized "keep her away from me" tiffs backstage at 2005's Live 8 concert, and now there's more Grammy trouble. Seems this is supposed to be Mimi's night, so naturally she wanted to open the show. Next thing you know, Madonna agrees to perform (even though she's not even nominated for anything), but only if SHE can open the show. Now, I'm not complaining about Madge performing, Lord knows I luv'er, but this shit is Hot Tamale. I'm expecting Mimi to drop a snide comment or two during one of her fabulously drunken speeches.
Hopefully, outrageousness will ensue.

ps... as if this post weren't long enough, TRL made a huge deal last week about retiring both "Don't Forget About Us" and "Hung Up" this past Monday. Madonna took #1, while Mariah had to settle for #2. Awww... you'll get 'em next time Lamb.


Blogger Shelby said...

OMG. That video of Mariah dissing Madonna is outrageous - I can't believe I had never seen it. AND, I can't believe it was in '95 - Mimi was still in her "demure/oppressed by the man" phase. What a glimpse into the snippy beast she would grow into. I luv'it.

3:53 PM, February 08, 2006


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