Monday, May 29, 2006

I wanna know WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

You see, I was excited this weekend. Chipper, even. I was in a packed movie theatre chompin' at the bits to see the newest X-Men movie. I had my popcorn, a little buzz, and I was settling into a nice stretch of previews for potential summer blockbusters. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear? Fuckin Julia Stiles, in a trailer for the upcoming (pointless) remake of The Omen. Thanks Hoolia, way to ruin it for everyone.


Blogger Truvy said...

On the other hand, the little kid does spend a good part of the movie trying to kill her.
Not too shabby.

1:53 AM, May 30, 2006

Blogger Robert said...


10:41 AM, May 30, 2006


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