Thursday, March 23, 2006

Jumps We Love, No. 1 in a series

Tonight's episode of Will & Grace (I'm watching 'cause it's leaving soon!) was pretty fucking gay, what with the cowboy bar called Cowpoke, the '9 to 5' moment, the Beverley Leslie (YES!!!!), and the guest appearance of the divine Shohreh Aghdashloo. I've loved me some Shohreh ever since she was unexpectedly nominated for a Best Supporting Actress statuette back in 2004 for House of Bland and Fugly and she played a bad mammajamma on 24 (okay, I just picked that show up again this season, so I'm totes lying about this one).

But I digress. I wanted to start a new series about some of the jumps I get all excited about when I see them on screens big and small, and I thought Shohreh would be a good start. She's got this wicked smoky voice and a completely disinterested air, all while maintaining the sexy. Plus she has this really sweet backstory: She was a huge Iranian film star who fled the country back in 1978 when it got all 'fuck off, free thinkers!' and went to England for an education, then came to Hollywood and struggled for years to get her big break. All this--and she's like the middle eastern Catherine Zeta-Anus/Sophia Loranus.

You go, Shohreh!


Blogger Truvy said...

Well I DID watch "24" last season, and she was mos def my fave character, so I was also equally excited to see her make a cameo on W&G.

BTW... I'm very sad to see W&G go, I've really enjoyed this season.

3:02 PM, March 24, 2006


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