Friday, March 03, 2006

The Barbi Twins: My Heroes

So, I just happened to think today of my absolute favorite E! True Hollywood Story of all time - The Barbi Twins. If you haven't seen this amazing hour of television, do yourself a favor and find a way to make it happen. I mean, this story has everything... agoraphobia, bulimia, nude modeling, Pauly effing Shore?! Some of Shane and Sia's stories include appearing on Sally Jessy Raphael with oversize jackets so that they could jam their pockets full of food, fingerhutting (see earlier post for definition of "fingerhut") junk food from a 7-11 for a super binge, and taking almost a hundred laxatives at a time, OD'ing, and STILL not hitting rock bottom. But what's most brilliant is that all of their insane stories are told with complete nonchalance, as if they were were recounting a Sunday stroll through the park. So girls, this is an homage to you. Thanks for blowin' it!


Blogger M'Lynn said...

I didn't even have to see the byline and I knew that this was all you, Clairee. I'm mystified by your attraction to these blowbags, but hey, to each his own. ;)

8:15 PM, March 03, 2006

Blogger Truvy said...

I swear to God, Clairee, that shizz was on TV like, a month ago. I totes parked my butt and watched the whole thing.


12:32 AM, March 04, 2006


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