Friday, March 03, 2006

you know you did it, I'm goooooone...

Am I the only person who liked this guy?
I was a little sad when he was voted off last night.
I didn't think he had any chance of winning,
but I would rather see him sing for a few more weeks
instead of Will Makar (who I HATE!!!!!!).
Eh, can't cry about it. That's Idol.

My Fave List
in no particular order:
Paris Bennett
Lisa Tucker
Ace Young
Chris Daughtry
Elliot Yamin


Blogger Clairee said...

To answer your question, yes, you were in fact the only person that liked Sway. TAINTED!

6:51 PM, March 03, 2006

Blogger M'Lynn said...

You totally were the only person who liked him. Oh, wait, I think Shelby did, too.

Hey, I like Will!

And I'll be the first Cabinet member to say it: FUCK PARIS BENNETT.

8:17 PM, March 03, 2006


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