Wednesday, January 18, 2006

DeGarmo Report: Spitfire Storms Broadway

Ok, please don't kill me. I realize this is my third post in just two months on Diana DeGarmo and none of you care, but damn...she just keeps popping up and I feel obligated to report the news to you. It seems that lil' spitfire has landed two upcoming Broadway gigs: Come February, she will be taking over the role of Penny Pingleton in "Hairspray" on Broadway. And this summer, she is apparently going to star in the upcoming national tour of the craptastic screamfest of a show "Brooklyn" that was briefly on the boards last year. Alright, hopefully that's the last DeGarmo Report for awhile, but I can't make any promises...


Blogger M'Lynn said...

You know what? As Paula-tics would say, 'Good for you, Diana.' This no-name could have easily slipped into the ether, but she's living up to the nickname we gave her (Lil' Spitfire) by shrugging off her hein album sales and trying to make a career for herself. If there's one thing The Cabinet can't deny, it's tenacity!

9:56 AM, January 19, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lil' Spitfire." Where'd that come from? I love it and it fits.

I find it great how she manages to get away from anything connected to AI (including ditching her record label) and suddenly her career picks up.

12:08 AM, January 20, 2006

Blogger Shelby said...

We can NE'ER have too much of Lil' Spitfire.

12:49 AM, January 20, 2006


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