Wednesday, November 16, 2005

This Is Why God Made TiVo

Tyra Banks welcomes Naomi Campbell to her talk show on Friday, and it's apparently so bitch-on-bitch wondrous that she had to clear her audience! Mon dieu...why, I never!! This promises to be a far bitchier hour than that recent episode of Oprah that saw Terry McMillan and her Mary ex-husband mouthing off--with Oprah egging them on, of course.

Here's what Miss Tyra has to say about the episode:
Don’t miss this emotional episode as Tyra and supermodel Naomi Campbell discuss their 14-year feud for the first time. It’s a moment so personal, that Tyra clears the audience so she can face Naomi one on one as she asks for answers from the woman who should have been her mentor, but instead became a stumbling block in her modeling career.

YEEEEAAAAHHHHH passive-aggressive jumpoff!


Blogger Truvy said...

OMG! This should be on PPV!!

1:17 AM, November 16, 2005

Blogger Ouizer said...

HOT!!! Heinous meets SUPER-Heinous! I can't wait to see this.

One time I answered the phone and Naomi was on the other line for my boss. The conversation went something like this:

SUPERHEINOUS: [Very brusquely] "Miss Campbell is on the line."

ME: "Your first name, Miss Campbell?"



I love that models also have manners.

12:10 PM, November 16, 2005


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