Sybil Syndrome
Beyonce says she regrets out-shining Prince during their Grammy duet (video). She claims her on-stage persona, Sasha, came out uncontrollably and took over the show.
Sidebar: No apology yet for running circles around Jewel and stamping out what was left of her career during "Divas Live" (video).
Sorry Jewel. No one wants you Sweetie.
Heehee...this is a hot post. Seriously though, Truvy, you could stick a goddamn garbage can next to Jewel and it would kill her career.
"Follow your he-eeeart! Your intu-IIIII-shawn!"
9:28 PM, July 25, 2006
to be fair, jewel is what, like 17 years older than beyonce?
11:17 AM, July 26, 2006
RYBS is not fair and balanced. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah mean to Jewel!!!!
p.s. I don't want Jewel's career ever to be so dead that we can't make fun of her. Same goes for J-Lo Hewitt and Jessica Simpson.
12:41 PM, July 26, 2006
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