Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'll take that as a compliment!

I just finished watching Chicklet-teeth Underwood Ms. Redstate on the Billboard Music Awards singing some HEINOUS song with a horrible chorus and bridge consisting of like, four long American-Idol style notes. Hearing those unnecessary notes that in no way fit with the rest of the song reminded me of this 'lil blowout...American Idol Season 3's Diana Degarmo! What the cabinet loved about her was that no matter how horrible the criticism, she'd pipe back, "I'll take that as a compliment!". We extended the concept even further to her lackluster debut:

"Diana, your debut cd sucks and literally no one but your mother has bought it - and she got it in the 99-cent bin at Wal-Mart."

"Thanks - I'll take your complete lack of interest as a compliment!"

God bless 'er. Here's hoping that you never get jaded like us and you are able to maintain your relentless, crazed optimism.


Blogger Truvy said...

awww... I forgot all about Dee-ana DeCrapo. Incidentally, looking back, that showdown between her and 'Tasia was completely one-sided and unfair. Ol' girl didn't stand a chance! As far as Carrie Underwear, I'm secretly pulling for her. I KNOW she has the personality of a gnat, and I'm mad that she's singing country, but I'm always hopin' and prayin' that one day, maybe she'll give me at least one good 'blow your tits off' song that can be remixed for all of gaydom to dance to. Time will tell.

4:33 PM, December 07, 2005

Blogger Clairee said...

Ew... Carrie Underwear must be destroyed!

8:52 PM, December 07, 2005


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